Monday, August 28, 2017

If You Don't Think Equality - or Free Speech - is Important, Get off my Planet!

Wow. Just wow.

A woman approached my husband in the checkout line at a local grocery store today to tell him I was saying horrible things on a certain Facebook Page.

It happens to be my page, and the only thing I've done recently is share a few links to this blog. I reread my posts and found nothing horrible in them.

Could she have meant my plea for local leaders to take a stand again racial hatred? My plea for the city of Menominee to show some guts and take a stand - any stand - on the Back Forty mine? Certainly not my comments on the future of Waterfront Festival?

From what I have seen on social media and overheard in public, racial hatred is probably the issue here. It's unfortunate, but racism seems to rear its ugly head quite frequently in many local circles.

Especially on social media.

Wisconsin-born Colin Kaepernick generates much controversy for his decision not to stand during the national anthem, essentially in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement. I've unfriended people on social media over this one.

Essentially, Kaepernick has every right to indulge in a peaceful protest. You don't have to like it. But you should try to understand the crux of the Black Lives Matter movement. Or at least, stop getting angry at people who defend Kaepernick.

I've been asked why we don't have a White Lives Matter movement. If you have to ask that question, you don't understand a thing, do you? (The question usually goes along with "Why do we have a Black Entertainment Network and not a white one?" Because all entertainment networks are white, you numbskull.)

A while back, I had to unfriend a perfectly reasonable Facebook "friend" because it was clear from her posts she thought Barack Obama was a disgraceful president. (Still think that, honey?) I knew that sooner or later, she'd get on my case for my rampant dislike or Donald Trump, which I cannot keep secret.

Last time I checked, we still had freedom of speech in this country. But as I was taught in Catholic school, my freedom ends when I begin to encroach on your rights - which is exactly why what happened a few weeks ago in Charlottesville was so heinous.

Instead of casting aspersions on anyone who supports racial equality, please read about the Black Lives Matter movement at this link.

And then tell me if you think it's wrong to take a stand against racial hatred and injustice.

Or get off my planet.

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