Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Using Kids to Promote Mining?

Reports indicate that Aquila Resouces, promoters of the controversial Back Forty open-pit sulfide mine, have taken their public relations campaign too far.

At a recent Stephenson High School football game, Aquila allegedly donated $1,000 to the gridiron program, complete with small keepsake footballs imprinted with the Aquila logo. These were then tossed into the crowd by young girls, some reportedly as young as kindergarten age.

A well-written letter from Tina Lesperance, an anti-mine activist, described the scenario in today’s EagleHerald.

The tactic she descrbed is wrong on so many levels.

I don’t care what the cause is, using kids to promote it is beyond the pale. To be fair, it should be noted that some anti-mine protestors have brought their children to demonstrations. I don’t like that either. The difference is that the children are with their parents and generally not being used as cute little gimmicks.

Aquila has repeatedly tried to buy support from the community by making donations to community causes and institutions. I’ve never felt comfortable with that, but it’s a public relations tactic used in by just about every for-profit organization in the country. It’s just especially distasteful when employed by a tobacco company, a war-profiteer - or a mining enterprise.

But using kids as part of the strategy?

No. Really disgusting. No ethical public relations practitioner would do that. It carries with it the notion that we are a bunch of rubes who will buy into a mine that gives away mini footballs. Moreover, no savvy PR person should deliberately insult the audience.

What we don’t know is whose idea it was to involve kids. If it was the school’s suggestion, wow, I’m glad I don’t have children in that district. It’s not only unethical, it’s downright immoral. I hope parents will bring their concerns to the school board.

I don’t expect Aquila to take the high road. But I expect more from a public school district. And you should, too.

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Kudos to the Anti-Mine Activists!

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